Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty

Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty
  • Скачано: 123
  • Размер: 8.54 MB
  • Длительность: 3:44
  • Качество: 320 kbps
  • Дата релиза: 7-05-2024, 20:34
Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty
Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty
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Текст песни
Say I'm cold-hearted
But I'm just getting started
Got my eyes on the the target
Now, now
Ohh, ohh, ohh
'Til the battle's won
'Til kingdom come
Ohh, ohh, ohh
I'll never run
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Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty
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